Saturday, July 12, 2008

My little character.

Scene: Lizzy drying my arms off after we got out of the pool the other day.

Lizzy: mommy it won't come off!
Me: what won't come off baby?
Lizzy: dis!
Me: honey that is a freckle, those don't come off they're marks on mommys skin. Look you have one on your hand.
Lizzy: ohhhh (pause with thinking look on her face) speckles no come off mommy?
Me: (trying not to giggle) no baby speckles no come off.

Later that night when jay got home, very dirty and was about to climb in the shower.

Lizzy: Daddys speckles stink.

Scene: today while Lizzy was watching nanny mcphee she runs into Maddys room while I'm rocking the baby.

Lizzy: (yells angrily) You nebber listen!!
Me:excuse me?
Lizzy: (yells even louder) You nebber listen!!
Me:what are you talking about? I don't listen?
Lizzy: (perfectly calm now) dat boy just yelled at his daddy in dat movie.
Me: oh, was that a very nice thing to do? yell at mommy?
Lizzy: I jus kidding mommy sheesh. (rolls her eyes and walks away)

Scene:today at lunch.
Me:how old will you be on your birthday Lizzy?
Lizzy:(thinks for a minute) I be 23 mommy.
Me:*laughs* oh will you now? I don't think you'll be quite that old baby.
Lizzy: okay I be 21.
Me:*sigh* 2 going on 21 oh dear Lord save me.

What am I going to do with this child? She makes me laugh so hard.


Laura said...

Oh. My. Lord. Your kid is hilarious!

Unknown said...

Oh!!! She's at that entertaining age...hahaha!!! Love her!!