Thursday, August 28, 2008

Not so long ago...

Not so long ago I knew this was almost it. The moment I'd been waiting for since I was a little girl who loved swaddling her cabbage patch doll. It was within reach, my contractions had started and in my mind I could picture this amazing little person. My first born, my Elizabeth Joy. There was no way of preparing myself for the mass of emotions that comes along with seeing a new life that God, my husband and I had by some miracle created but it was the most amazing feeling I'd ever had.

Not too long ago I was waking Jamie up with a panicked "this is it."

Not too long ago I got my first glimpse of the rest of my life. As she lay there in my arms flashes of first steps, backpacks, proms and weddings were dancing through my imagination.

Not too long ago those first steps became a reality as I watched the world come alive for my little girl. As she toddled over with an expression of one who recently won an Olympic gold medal, full of spirit and excitement as she mastered this new life tool, I knew this would change everything. And it did. We've moved on to backpacks and no more diapers. She has manners and attitudes, preferances and a voice. A beautiful voice which often grates my last nerve but can melt me in a heartbeat with a whispered "I love you mommy." or "want to play with me mommy?"

Today my lizzy will be turning 3. I'm so proud of her. Not only for her accomplishments, which are growing in number every day, but for her heart. She is a passioniate little girl who loves life and is full of laughter and sweetness. Not so long ago she was 7 lbs 11oz and relied on me for everything. Now she is growing more independent by the day, both breaking my heart and giving me hope that someday she'll be an amazing woman.

For now however she's my sweet angel, the voice I look forward to in the mornings with my favorite words in the whole world. "I love you mommy."


Dana said...

Awww..Happy Birthday Lizzy!

"I Love you Mommy" are the best words I have ever is amazing how someone so small can change your whole life in a second completely for the better..:)

They grow up way too fast and sometimes I want to stop time and just let her be just the way she is at the second for just a lil longer..

You are an AMAZING Mommy and Lizzy is an amazing little girl..

You both have reasons to be so proud.

Hope her day is as wonderful and sweet as she is..

We love you Lizzy!

Happy 3rd Birthday Big Girl!..:)

Love you,
Dana and Maggie Grace!

Laura said...

So beautiful... It made me cry! Give your birthday girl a hug for me and a hug to you too!

K said...

Happy Birthday Lizzy!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Lizzy!!!

briellesblog said...

Wow, how touching... It made me cry, too! :)