Tuesday, April 22, 2008

What to say?

Y'all crack me up! I go for a week without posting and my email gets flooded with requests for more updates. Lol I love you guys too. ;)

The big news for the week?! I'm an aunt! Jack Bradford Singleton Joined the world late Saturday night making me the proud aunt to the most handsome nephew ever!!! Weighing in at 9 lbs 2 oz he's nearly the same size as Madeline! He is sooo handsome! Beautiful blue eyes and lots of blond hair! What a sweetie pie! Jack is most happy on his mommy's chest sleeping but he seemed to like his aunt Jessie too. Lol anyways that was by far the highlight of my week!

In other news Madeline is smiling and talking a lot now. She has a Minnie mouse rattle on her carseat that makes her giggle and laugh. I love her sweet laugh. It's so soft and just precious to hear. She's still sleeping well and nursing like a champ. I still suppliment too though as I'm lazy and like the feedom of whipping out a bottle in public instead of trying to find somewhere to feed her in private. But on the whole I stick with nursing. She's getting so big! I can't wait to see what she weighs next week at her two month visit! 2 months! Ahh! So crazy!

Well that's all for now. I need to take some more pictures of the girls together! And I'll get some good ones of baby jack to post too!

Friday, April 18, 2008

Baby Dedication

Our girls were dedicated on Sunday... The girls were given their first bibles and then prayed over. The verse we chose to dedicate over our girls was Numbers 6:24-26 :
24 " ' "The LORD bless you and keep you;
25 the LORD make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you;
26 the LORD turn his face toward you and give you peace." '
It was really special... there were also 16 other families dedicating children that sunday! (We've been a busy congregation.) :P LOL Anyways... after church we all went to Moe's with my family, my inlaws, and low and behold our whole small group shows up! So fun! We all had a great time, came home, napped ,then Jay, Linda, Bryan, the girls and I all walked the Aurthur Ravenel Bridge... for those of you non Charlestonians who read this - that's our new mega bridge... it's quite a hike, and excellant excercise with a great view.

This week was crazy busy and the weekend is only going to be busier... Tomorrow morning I'm going to Charli's garage sale... that'll be like shopping at a discounted Toys R Us - she has SO many toys! Then I have Danielle's baby shower tomorrow. Linda and I are getting her a swing. Then church Sunday, Shaun's going away party Sunday afternoon and a cookout on Sunday night with my family. AH! I'm tired already and it hasn't even started. LOL

Okay, on to the pictures from the weekend. :)

Saturday, April 12, 2008

6 week..

Not too much going on right now. We had Mya's birthday party today! So cute... it was princess themed at the park. Lots of fun. We spent the week moving in Abbie and Shaun into their new house. Holy cow is that thing big. 5 huge bedrooms with an office that could be a 6th! Crazy!

I found a couple good deals on Craigslist for outdoor play things for Lizzy. So daddy got up early today and drove to Mt. P to pick them up in the truck. We got a picnic table with a bright colored umbrella for kids, and a Little Tykes slide and swing set. Lizzy had a ball with it this afternoon. I put the picnic table in the living room this afternoon while Liz was napping, I set up her tea set and a coloring book with her markers and crayons... she was ear to ear grins when she woke up. So we had a tea party with gold fish crackers when she woke up. Then we colored pictures for daddy. I may leave the picnic table in the house for a couple weeks until it really warms up more. It was 82 today but is supposed to drop to 65 tomorrow.
So tomorrow is the girls dedication. I'll post pictures...
Here's a few from this week and today...
Mommy & Maddy
Daddy & Maddy
Mommy & Maddy again...
Angela and Sammy... or Calvin... or Sammy...
I can't keep the twins straight. LOL
Mya Grace! The birthday girl!
My swingin girl...
Lizzy's new playset out back... ignore the messy back yard...
My long legged beauty headin down the slide...

That's all for now... more to come soon! :)

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Picture Time!

Okay... y'all didn't have to wait too long. I took some pictures last night and this morning so here you go! Oh and I'll sneak one in from her first bath... it's quite obvious how much she just Loooooved her bath. Ha. Enjoy girls!!!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008


AH! She's a month old!!!! AHHHHHHH!!!! Okay, crazy yell over. But WOW has this month flew! I have been SO bad about taking pictures the last couple weeks... I PROMISE I'll get some of my one month old (*sniff* I'll just keep saying 4 weeks... it sounds younger.) :P some time this week!

Life is just simply insane right now - but I have to say I'm loving every moment. Well... most moments, the middle of the night moments when Both... yes BOTH of my girls are up isn't so fun. Lizzy's still getting up in the middle of the night about 2-3 times a week, but we're making progress. Maddy however has been sleeping great - we're up to 7 1/2 hours some nights! And she's only up for 15 minutes or so before giving me another 4-5 hour stretch! WOOT! Love this kid.

The training for the 1/2 marathon is going well. I'm not a great runner by any means, but I'm working my way into it. My lungs still feel like they're on fire after every run but I guess that's normal. Last night was the first time the 4 of us ran together... I so love my small group girls! They're so awesome! Abby and Dani ran circles around Angela and I, but then again, they've been doing this for awhile so I figure eventually Ang and I will work up to their speed. For now, I'm just proud that I didn't pass out. :P The running part is miserable, I admit, but the feeling of getting my butt back in shape - along with spending time with some of my favorite people makes it totally worth it. I also joined the gym this week so on our 3 days off from running each week I can do some core training. (Hopefully I can make it to the Body Pump classes, that will REALLY help this weight to come off!) I weighed myself yesterday. *barf* LOL I'm down 25 lbs since I had Maddy, my goal is to lose another 25 - hopefully 15 or 20 of that before WDW. That's a lot I know but I'm really watching what I eat, and with all this exercise it shouldn't be too unreachable.

Anyways. I'm officially hired at Seacoast! LOL Even though I've been working there for a few weeks now, the paperwork came back and made it official this week. I love my room too. One of these days I'm going to remember to take pictures of Hidden Cove (it's Birth through 12 months) Granted I'm partial, but my room is my personal favorite amoung all the kids rooms. It's just beautiful. :) Tomorrow is First Wednesday, we have service once a month on the first wednesday night of the month - it's mostly all worship and includes a message by our campus pastor. (the weekly messages get tuned in from the main campus in Mt. P - so it'll be special hearing Pastor Phil speak.) Well... I may not get to hear much of it, as I'll be working, but just a glimpse of our church pulled together on a Wednesday night has me pumped. It's such a great place to be! I love these people!

On another note... I've noticed a shift in my personal style as of late. It sounds frumpy, but I'm really enjoying my tshirts, jeans and tennis shoes right now. LOL Jay loves it, I dressed like this back when we were dating and he says it makes me look sporty - but it's funny to see that style naturally coming back for me. The last few years it's been lots of heels, black pants, dressy shirts on casual days etc. And now it's all coming full circle. LOL Anyway, just something funny to note.

Oooooh! I think I'm getting my hair cut this week... remember when I was pregnant and wanted to chop it all off but didn't b/c I thought i'd get chipmunk cheeks while pregs and didn't want to look like Violet? Well... my cheeks (though always a bit chunky) have lost their swolleness. haha that sounds funny. Anyway, they have so I think I'm going to go get it chopped off. I'm excited about something different, though I'm sure I'll miss being able to put it in a pony tail while I'm running.

So what else is new? Lizzy got chosen as the start student of the month! They choose one kid each month who has good listening skills, played well with others and had respect for the rules... and amazingly my child was chosen! (*whew* at least she behaves well in public!) ;) So today in her little chapel she was given a certificate, a gold medal to wear all day and a special pencil with a bit star earaser on top. LOL So precious. I filmed the whole thing... it was really special. Although it has to be said the poor child saw me as she was filing into the chapel with her class and burst into tears when she couldn't come sit by mommy. *sigh* poor kid. Broke my heart... "Mommy pleeeease, come get me mommy! I wanna sit by you me mommy!" (Yes that's exactly how she said it.) But eventually she calmed down and was able to stand up on stage to receive her medal and certificate. Such a grown up girl I have...

The girls are being dedicated at church on the 13th! Should be a very special day... full of pictures! :D So that's it for now... watch for pictures to come soon!