Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Picture time! (Video below)

Okay, here's what's going on in our lives... Princess dresses, scottish highland games, and lots of fun hanging outdoors in this beautiful weather! Maddy is getting chubby... just look at those cheeks! :)

The tail of Madeline...

You know how it's funny to watch a dog chase its tail? Well this is kind of like that... but with my kid. And please excuse the laughter in the background... I was dying laughing and my goofy baby running in circles.


Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Winds of change...

Ah, so its been more than a little crazy around here lately. Maddy is up to 16 lbs and is trying to crawl! She gets up on all fours but then she just rocks back and forth and eventually face plants herself into the carpet before pulling herself back up and trying again. She's sleeping very well, most nights are at least 10 hours. Our only problem at the moment (and I mean that quite litterally as she's screaming in the other room as I type this) is that she HATES nap time. Hates it! It is so annoying! Once asleep she'll be out for 3-4 hours in the afternoon, but getting her to slow down long enough to actually fall asleep is darn near impossible! And frustrating to boot as she keeps Lizzy up when she starts screaming meaning I have two miserable nap needing kids every afternoon, which really, really sucks!

In between that last sentance and this one I finally gave in and rocked her to sleep, so now my house is blissfully quiet. For now anyways...

So what's new around here? I can't remember if I've mentioned Princess Charming but that's what Lizzy calls prince charming, which cracks me up. In school this month they're teaching the kids their parents names in case the kids would ever get lost they can tell someone who they're with. So lizzy likes to call us "Dessica Cwemmons" and "damie cwemmons" but they funny one is when you ask her Maddys full name... "Maddy Goose!" she'll reply. I guess I need to start calling Madeline Maddy Jane instead of Maddy Goose.

I ordered Jays birthday cake from Publix today, its the same flavor as Lizzy's cake but the theme is all green with a tree stump in the middle and a chain saw laying on the stump... I cracked up when I saw the picture of it in the Publix cake book. I just knew I had to order it for him! His birthday is on Friday so we'll be celebrating at small group. I'm making lasagna and we'll have garlic bread, salad and then ice cream and cake for dessert, should be fun! He told me he wants tools for his birthday which translates to a card from me and whatever he wants from the catalog of tools he always has laying around. Lol

Oh yeah, another lizzy moment: Liz got a camera for her birthday from her uncle, it came with a camera case. Yesterday Liz walks up to me and asks where her suitcase for her camera is... It took me a minute to realize she was asking about her camera case. Too cute.

Anyway! I need a nap, its been a looong morning. More updates to come!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

New Stuff

Yes I realize that's not the most creative title but the title "birthday parties, well check visits and other things going on in our lives" seemed a bit long. So it is what it is. Moving on!

Let's go in order, last Friday lizzy turned 3 which was lots of fun. We didn't do too much on her actual birthday as she got an upset tummy after her lunch (she wanted Chinese... Ew, I blame the chicken) so she had an accident (a very messy one) while we were at small group, in front of 15 kids. Was she embarassed? Not my kid. Nope, she merely said "I feel better mommy" when she was through ruining the carpet. Fun times.

Saturday morning however brought lots of stress for mommy and great times for Lizzy. The reason I was stressing was that we had 50 people RSVP for her party... Which I wasn't expecting, and most of which RSVP'd the night before. Oh and it was from 11-1 which meant we needed to feed everyone so I was stressing about that big time. Linda took care of the fruit which was wonderful (huge platters of watermelon, grapes, canteloupe, strawberries and honeydew. I made a big platter of cheese cubes and picked up 6 lbs of popcorn chicken. We added some goldfish and things like that and then topped it all off with palmtree coolers of capri suns, apple juice and bottled water.

The cake was vanilla with raspberry filling and whipped buttercream frosting which was the best cake I'd ever tasted. Seriously, better than our overpriced wedding cake... Lol we also had an ice cream bar with peaches, rasberries, chocolate chips, gummy bears, bitterscotch chips and sprinkles for toppings. That was a huge hit with the parents and kids both. I had some games planned but we had 25 kids there so we didn't end up playing any games as it was too chaotic. I did however have a rub on tattoo station for the kids which was a HUGE hit. The kids loved getting those and the parents sll thought it was fun as well. Due to the ginormous guest count the gift table was out of control. She got more than any 3 year old should ever have so I'm putting the things we got her, back for Christmas. And we'll be donating an old toy for each of the new ones she opens.

All in all it was a blast although both lizzy and I were overwhelmed with everything. Jay hung out with my brothers and Maddy had a great time with all the attention while lizzy and I tackled the mountain of presents. It took us 2 days to recover from all that fun.

Then today was Maddy's 6 month well check visit. Her head is in the 10th percentile, her height and weight around the 40th percentile. She's up to 16 lbs 3 oz now! She got 3 shots and only cried while she was getting them. As soon as I picked her up afterwards she started smiling at the nurse. It was sad and cute, big ol tears streaming down her cheeks and a grin on her face... That's my baby.

I have to say I am SO thankful that she is a good baby. Lizzy is proving to be a handful these days and I don't know what I'd do if Maddy was a difficult baby on top of that. Fortunately I don't have to worry about that. Maddy is angelic and so sweet to be around.

Lizzy's an awesome kid and I love her more than life, but I swear she'll be the death of me. She is so sassy these days and independant! (which is the nice way of saying she doesn't listen worth a darn most days and its driving me ape wall!) I'm working with her though, Jay says I'm too soft on her. I just say I choose my battles. If I were to correct her every single time she didn't listen or talked back I'd spend all day putting her in time out and taking away privledges. Instead I try to pick the things I most want her to learn (good manners, kindness, and listening skills) and I overlook the bossy boots comments or rolling of the eyes. (which I realize both of those fall under good manners, but seriously, she's 3. I'll take please and thank you even if its sometimes said more like "please I want that this very instant" or "please but I'm really just saying please because I know that's the only way to get what I want even if I don't have a thankful attitude at all right now" yeah, its a lot to put into one little "please" but trust me, they can do it)

I guess she's just really trying her boundries right now and is looking to me to set the guidelines for all future communication between us. Its hard, but no one ever said parenting would be easy. And its definetly not.

But to end on a happy note. Lizzys preschool is working on safety right now so they're teaching the kids their full names and their parents full names in case they ever get lost the kids will know what to tell a police officer. So tonight I asked Liz, what's your name? And she replies "Wizabeth Doy Kwemmons" then I asked her "what's mommy's name?" she replied "Jessica" I said "what's mommy's last name?" she replies... "mommy... Jessica mommy" so I tried two for two of that cuteness and asked what daddy's last name is... She said "daddy. Daddy's name is Jamie Daddy" lol gotta love it.

That's all for this update but I'll upload some pics soon. :)